Gobar Homa & Yagna Samagri Powder
This divine and auspicious dhoop powder is made with natural herbal ingredients and pure Cow Ghee. upon burning this divine dhoop powder increases oxygen content and purifies the air. This powder can be used on any occassion. Gobar Hawan Samagri powder is a sacred offering in the yagna as each ingredient in this havan samagri is carrying significance. The havan samagri is offered in the agni during yagnas and in home or office to cleanup the premises, make the price filled with divine presence through positive energy after reciting of every mantras chanted in yagna. Havan Samagri (a mixture of various natural herbs, fruits, ripes, roots, and leaves) is offered in the agni of homa kund which disseminates in microform, in the air, to purify the environment besides activating the air as a disinfectant germicidal agent. Havan Samagri is anti-bacterial and is made from 100% pure natural herbal ingredients gifted to mankind by mother nature.
GOBAR HAVAN SAMAGRI INGREDIENTS: Pure native gobar, Jau, Sandal Powder, Bhi mseni Kapoor, Rose Petals, Lotus Seeds, Lobaan, Ghee, Chandan, Agkesar, Tagar, Agar, Wala, Red Sandal Powder, Nagarmotha, Jatamansi, Batriso Dhoop, Kapoor Rachri, Satavari.
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